Welcome to my blog! I plan to blog about all things African violet and related to that end. I hope you will find it interesting, and maybe even learn something new. More importantly, I hope to learn from you, so please feel free to add your comments, critiques, and criticisms at the bottom of the page. Thanks for visiting TheFranklinhouse!
June 12, 2012
Here are the winning plants from the head table at the 2012 AVSA/AVC National Convention held this past week in Detroit, MI. Please see the winners' list below for specific plant and winner information.
There are lots more pictures to come, so please check back.
Click on thumbnail below to see larger image
Best African Violet in Show
Eternal Orbit
Won by: Kathy Lahti from Annandale, MN 55302-3614
2nd Best African Violet in Show
Frozen in Time
Won by: Olga Semova from Newmarket, ON Canada
3rd Best African Violet in Show
Pink Playmate
Won by: Tracy Lorence from Brunswick, OH
Best AVSA Collection - Standards/Amateur
Buckeye Sentimental Reasons
Ko's Green Dragonfly
Won by: Marge Farrand from Ann Arbor
2nd Best AVSA Collection - Standards/Amateur
Buckeye Cranberry Sparkler
Buckeye Colossal
Buckeye Sentimental Reasons
Won by: Debbie McInnes from Floyds Knobs, IN
Best AVSA Collection - Minis & Semis/Amateur
Rob's Rinky Dink
Beginner's Luck
Jolly Waltz
Won by: Debbie McInnes from Floyds Knobs, IN
2nd Best AVSA Collection - Mini's & Semis/Amateur
Ness' Angel Babe
Little Blue Bandit
Won by: Kathy Lahti from Annandale, MN 55302-3614
Best Holtkamp Collection - Amateur
Optimara Little Crystal
Optimara Little Ruby
Optimara Rose Quartz
Won by: Kathy Lahti from Annandale, MN 55302-3614
Best Robinson Collection
Rob's Outer Orbit
Rob's Combustible Pigeon
Rob's Suicidal Squirrel
Won by: Diane Miller from Anaheim, CA
2nd Best Robinson Collection
Rob's Calypso Beat
Rob's Combustible Pigeon
Rob's Inner Orbit
Won by: Marie Burns from Baltimore, MD 21237-2107
Best Buckeye Collection
Buckeye Country Gal
Buckeye Sentimental Reasons
Buckeye Cranberry Sparkler
Won by: Debbie McInnes from Floyds Knobs, IN
2nd Best Buckeye Collection
Buckeye Northern Lights
Buckeye Seductress
Buckeye Sentimental Reasons
Won by: Marge Farrand from Ann Arbor
Best AVSA Registered Russian Hybrid Collection
EK-Goluboglazaia Rossiia
EK-Boginia Krasoty
Won by: Marie Burns from Baltimore, MD 21237-2107
Best Lyon's Collection
Calico Queen
Victorian Parasol
Moon Child
Won by: Steve Turner from Southgate, MI 48195-2244
Second Best Lyon's Collection
Rockin' Robin
Lyon's Lavender Magic
Calico Queen
Won by: Marie Burns from Baltimore, MD 21237-2107
Best Standard African Violet
Frozen in Time
Won by: Olga Semova from Newmarket, ON Canada
Best Miniature African Violet
Rob's Jitterbug
Won by: Debbie McInnes from Floyds Knobs, IN
Best Semiminiature African Violet
Eternal Orbit
Won by: Kathy Lahti from Annandale, MN 55302-3614
Best Trailer
Rob's Boolaroo
Won by: Marge Farrand from Ann Arbor
Best Species African Violet
S. ionantha subsp. ionantha var. diplotricha 'Parker'
Won by: Bill Price from Vancouver, BC V6Z 2C7; Canada
Best New Cultivar - Amateur
Sport of Yukako
Won by: Debbie McInnes from Floyds Knobs, IN
Best Other Gesneriad
Sinningia speciosa 'Carangola'
Won by: Eileen McGrath from Carleton, ON Canada
Best Chris Leppard (Maas)
Chris Leppard
Won by: Lynn Allen from Bloomfield Hills, Mi 48302-011
Best Picasso
Won by: Marge Farrand from Ann Arbor
Best Precious Red
Precious Red
Won by: Leonard Re from Fountain Valley, CA 92708-4435
Best Everdina
Won by: Hans Inpijn from Dana Point, CA 92629-4606
Best Lonestar Helen Mahr
Lonestar Helen Mahr
Won by: Perfect Petals Ohme, B.J. from Lincoln, NE
Best Optimara Ontario
Optimara Ontario
Won by: Donna Turner from Southgate, MI 48195-2244
Best Precious Pink
Precious Pink
Won by: Marie Burns from Baltimore, MD 21237-2107
Best Jolly Orchid
Jolly Orchid
Won by: Marie Burns from Baltimore, MD 21237-2107
Best Thad's Episcia
Episcia 'Thad's Gold Fever'
Won by: Lorna Russell from Nepean, ON Canada
Best Ozark Sinningia
Sinningia 'Ozark Scentimental Journey'
Won by: Pres. AVSC Kroll, Paul from East Aurora, NY 14052-9693
Best Streptocarpus
Streptocarpus 'Heartland's Peacock'
Won by: Dale Martens from Sherrard, IL 61281-9302
Best Canadian Origin (Section IX)
Won by: Marge Farrand from Ann Arbor
Best African Violet on Display Table - Commercial specimen
Newtown's Beaumont Bluster
Won by: Fancy Bloomers Brining, Donna from Hamminton, NJ
Best African Violet in Show - Commercial specimen
Blue Dragon
Won by: Fancy Bloomers Brining, Donna from Hamminton, NJ
2nd Best African Violet in Show - Commercial specimen
Ness' Satin Rose
Won by: Fancy Bloomers Brining, Donna from Hamminton, NJ
3rd Best African Violet Society in Show - Commercial specimen
Night Fever
Won by: Fancy Bloomers Brining, Donna from Hamminton, NJ
Best AVSA Standard Collection - Commercial
Sansoucy' Coco
Blue Dragon
Night Fever
Won by: Fancy Bloomers Brining, Donna from Hamminton, NJ
Best AVSA Mini/Semimini Collection - Commercial
Rob's Dodo Bird
Ness' Crinkle Blue
Ness' Satin Rose
Won by: Fancy Bloomers Brining, Donna from Hamminton, NJ
2nd Best AVSA Mini/Semimini Collection - Commercial
Cupid's Jewel
Shirl's Senior Moment
Rob's Pewter Bells
Won by: Bloomin' Jungle Rowe, Linda from Red Creek, NY
Best AVSC Standard Collection - Commercial
Bob Serbin
Aca's Red Ember
Won by: Doris Brownlie from Mississauga, ON L5A 2B4; Canad
Best Other Gesneriad - Commercial
Aeschynanthus humilis
Won by: Lyndon Lyon Greenhou Sorano, Paul from Dolgeville, NY 13329-0249
Best New Cultivar - Commercial
Cranberry Crush (New)
Won by: Lyndon Lyon Greenhou Sorano, Paul from Dolgeville, NY 13329-0249
2nd Best New Cultivar - Commercial
Lilac Fanfare (New)
Won by: Lyndon Lyon Greenhou Sorano, Paul from Dolgeville, NY 13329-0249
3rd Best New Cultivar - Commercial
Lady Charm
Won by: Lyndon Lyon Greenhou Sorano, Paul from Dolgeville, NY 13329-0249
Best Horticulture Showcase
Commercial Showcase
Won by: Fancy Bloomers Brining, Donna from Hamminton, NJ
2nd Best Horticulture Showcase
Commercial Showcase
Won by: Lyndon Lyon Greenhou Sorano, Paul from Dolgeville, NY 13329-0249
Best Commercial Display Table
Display Table
Won by: Fancy Bloomers Brining, Donna from Hamminton, NJ
Best Design in Show
"Arch Bridge"
Won by: Perfect Petals Ohme, B.J. from Lincoln, NE
2nd Best Design in Show
"Covered Bridge"
Won by: Mel Grice from Englewood, OH 45322-2235
3rd Best Design in Show
"Passport Booklet"
Won by: Deanna Belli from Toronto, ON Canada
Best in Section XI - Interpretive Plant Arrangements
"Covered Bridge"
Won by: Mel Grice from Englewood, OH 45322-2235
Best in Section XII - Interpretive Flower Arrangements
"Arch Bridge"
Won by: Perfect Petals Ohme, B.J. from Lincoln, NE
Best in Section XIII - Container Gardens
"Landscape design 12 - 24 inches"
Won by: Mel Grice from Englewood, OH 45322-2235
Best Yearbook
San Mateo County AVS - Yearbook
Won by: Heather Morgan, Ed. San Mateo County AVS from San Mateo, CA
Second Best Yearbook
First Austin AVS - Yearbook
Won by: Glenda Williams, Ed. First Austin AVS from McDade, TX
Third Best Yearbook
Columbus AVS - Yearbook
Won by: Richard Carr, Ed. Columbus AVS from Reynoldsburg, OH
Best Newsletter
Lone Star AV Council - Newsletter
Won by: Marjorie Bullard, Ed Lone Star AV Council from Corpus Christi, TX
Second Best Newsletter
Columbus AVS - Newsletter
Won by: Nancy Carr, Ed Columbus AVS from Reynoldsburg, OH
Best Magazine
Ohio State AVS - Magazine
Won by: Mel Grice, Ed Ohio State AVS from Englewood, OH
Second Best Magazine
Bay State AVS - Magazine
Won by: Nancy Manozzi, Ed Bay State AVS from Framingham, MA
Judges Special Award
Jolly Disco
Won by: Kathy Lahti from Annandale, MN 55302-3614
Judges Special Award
Deadly Sting
Won by: Olga Semova from Newmarket, ON Canada
Judges Special Award
Educational Exhibit
Won by: Sayeh Beheshti & Trisha Piersimoni from
Judges Special Award
Streptocarpus 'Dale's Polar Lava'
Won by: Dale Martens from Sherrard, IL 61281-9302
Best Plant Grown by a Canadian Exhibitor
Frozen in Time
Won by: Olga Semova from Newmarket, ON Canada
Horticulture Sweepstakes
49 blue ribbons
Won by: Debbie McInnes from Floyds Knobs, IN
Runner-Up to Horticulture Sweepstakes
27 blue ribbons
Won by: Marge Farrand from Ann Arbor
Design Sweepstakes
9 blue ribbons
Won by: Karyn Cichocki from Lafayette, NJ
Runner-Up to Design Sweepstakes
7 blue ribbons
Won by: Mel Grice from Englewood, OH 45322-2235
Commercial Horticulture Sweepstakes
8 blue ribbons
Won by: Doris Brownlie from Mississauga, ON L5A 2B4; Canad
Runner-Up to Commercial Horticulture Sweepstakes
8 blue ribbons
Won by: Dave's Violets Harris, David from Springfield, MO 65804-0220
March 23, 2012
Update 3/24/2102: This special has been SOLD, but more coming soon.
It is repotting time and I have immediately available a variety of leaves, crowns and large suckers from a variety of plants. I am parting with them at super bargain prices! Over the next few weeks as I continue re-potting, I will post a few other specials. This is a first-come, first-served deal, so once it's gone it's gone. See below for the
3-23-12 re-potting special.
These will be shipped as shown. The leaves are not individually wrapped. They are fresh and washed and sealed in zip-lock baggies. I will ship them via Priority Mail. This deal would be great for a violet club to share or for a club project, as I have a few varieties with dozens of leaves each.
Here's a description of the two available package deals: ALL AMOUNTS ARE APPROXIMATE, and shown here in pictures (click to see larger image):
Package 1:
1. 'Jolly Frills' - 14 leaves
2. 'Windsome' - 8 leaves
3. 'Jazz Bouquet' - 11 leaves
4. 'Sassy Night' - 8 leaves
5. 'Jolly Orchid' - 2 crowns, 4 leaves
6. 'Super Boy' - 6 leaves
7. 'Jolly Ace' - 10 leaves
8. 'Rob's April Storm' - 2 crowns - HARD TO FIND! An oldie but goodie.
$80.00 value for just $28.00!!! ($20.00 + $8.00 shipping)
Package 2:
1. 'Jolly Jubilee' - 2 doz. leaves
2. 'Rob's April Storm' - 2.5 doz. leaves
3. 'Snuggles Blue Pearl' - 3 doz. leaves + 1 small crown
4. 'Jolly Mars' - 2 doz. leaves
$142.50 value for just $33.00!!! ($25.00 + $8.00 shipping)
Combine both packages in one order and save $4.00 more, by combining shipping and paying $12.00 shipping!!!! What a great Spring deal to get your violet collection going again!
To get one or both of these specials, contact me to check on availability, and I will send you a confirmation and ordering instructions. Thanks!
November 10, 2011
Good morning, or afternoon, or evening, depending upon when you're reading this. Maybe you're a morning person, checking early to see what happened while you were sleeping. Maybe you're an afternoon blogger, and you're taking a little violet break in the middle of multi-tasking. Or, maybe you're a night owl, and luckily for you, the Internet never sleeps! Whichever you may be, thanks for checking in.
Believe it or not, it's not too early to start thinking about the National convention in Detroit this spring. The reason I'm thinking about it is, I hope to show plants there. After seeing the exceedingly high quality of plants in Texas last week, I know the competition will be fierce. Plus, a centrally located convention is sure to bring a lot of growers from all over, that may have not been able to show in past conventions. You have to watch out for those "locals" too, they tend to be closet experts, just waiting for a close convention to bring out their best. All in all, seeing those wonderful plants made me realize that I'd better get moving.
Upon a close examination of my plants, I was really appalled. It's amazing how I can blindly care for the plants and be oblivious to their horrible condition. Talk about violet denial. I took pictures of my plants as I was transplanting them, so you can see what I'm dealing with. After I get done showing you my Lonestar pictures, I'll reveal to you what I'm dealing with over here. But for now, I have a few more pictures to show you from the Texas show.
As you probably know, there are more than violets at a violet show. There are designs and lots of "weeds," or other gesneriads. They're not really my thing, yet. I keep trying sinningias and episcias and a few other types, but to date I haven't had much luck with them. They are cool to look at however, especially when they're grown well. Here are a few "weeds" for you to look at, plus a few of the designs. And, for you design people out there, I will have a special treat for you upcoming, as soon as I figure out how to get it onto my blog. Big enough hint for you? Stay tuned.
November 7, 2011
In between the show and the plants and the sales room and the "on-site" socializing, one of my favorite parts of a violet convention is the "off-site" partying. It's always such great fun getting a group together and going out to dinner and/or cocktails. It just seems to be such a great way to relax, kick back, and really get to know someone. The great part about large gatherings is that there are always people you know, and a few you don't. But your new friend from this convention, will soon become an old friend as you see them more and more. I have met some of my best and most cherished friends through African violets. I would venture that most of the people doing this for any length of time could say the same thing. Aren't we lucky!! Here are a few pictures from a fun night out at J.T. Garcia's, a great Mexican restaurant, that was absolutely beautiful "inside" and out. (We sat outside, in the fresh air, under the heat lamps — refreshing and comforting at the same time.) Great food, great Margaritas, great company, and you can talk about violets with everybody at the table for more than five minutes without their eyes glossing over. What more could you want?
November 5, 2011
It's time for the standards! In Texas, as you know, they do everything BIG. Their standard violets are no exception. I may have a special hankering for the small ones — pretty much because I like little, perfect miniatures of practically everything. But, even I have to admit, the big standards are really the show-stoppers. They are what everyone gasps at in awe and wonder. They are what every grower appreciates, no matter what you grow, because they demand so much work and attention to get to the show stage. Growing big standards is an investment in time and space that many of us cannot accommodate. For me, I'll never forget my very first show, where I saw the standards grown so large and robust. I had never seen a violet that big before. They get your attention and they are usually what you remember. And, until fairly recently, the standard violets are where you get your real blossom variances. I still say, you get a better blossom choice and more unusual bloom color and style combinations in the standards. It's just the simple truth of the times, more work has been done with the standards.
You can thank Danny Tidwell and Richard Nicholas for their large contribution of the big standards to the show. They really grow a spectacular standard. Of course, there were a lot of other growers who entered large and lovely standards, and I don't want to short change them. But, those two Texas boys always impress with their quality and quantity of outstanding standards.
What you can't really grasp from the pictures is the relative size of these plants. I'm talking 16", 18", and 20+" in diameter and larger! I'm really not sure how they get all these large plants to show. I think they go half-sies on a school bus or something. However they do it, let's thank them for their devotion to this hobby and enjoy some beautiful sandards!
Click on thumbnail image below to see larger photo.
November 3, 2011
Hello hello hello! I'm still on Texas time, so that means you're getting more from the Lonestar show today. Today I will be showing you a selection of the minis and semiminis from the show. There were so many entries, I couldn't take them all, but I think you'll see some old favorites and some different varieties here. I always think it's so interesting the effect geography has on what plants are shown. Of course in Texas, home of legendary hybridizer and grower Hortense Pittman, you tend to see a lot of her varieties, which I love. Any of the 'Jolly' names you may see on the plants are from her newer series of hybrids.
For the first time since I have been posting from this show, you will get to see a large number of plants at once. This is where you can really see the overall exceptional quality of the plants that were in this show. It's one thing to pull the best of the plants for the head table. There's always at least some you can cull for the top spot. But, that doesn't mean that the rest of the plants were as nice. Here, I think the judges had problems because so many of the plants were stellar. Judge for yourself. How would you have decided?
November 1, 2011
Howdy y'all! Yes, I'm staying in the Texas mood, probably until I get done posting everything I have for you to see from the Lonestar show. (Which is a lot). I even have my first video posting that I will be putting on. I'm not going to tell you what part of the show that is yet, you'll just have to wait and see.
Today though, I am showing you some of my favorites, the small ones. Here are some pictures of the miniature and semiminiature collections from the show. For any of you that may not know what a collection is, here's the nutshell version. A collection is one entry consisting of three registered varieties of the same sized plant. For example, you need three different registered plants, all minis, or all standards, or all semiminiature trailers, etc. Typically, all three entries need to be "blue ribbon" quality or higher, because if one of the plants in the collection doesn't score at least a blue ribbon, the entire collection is out of the running for an award. That means that usually your best three plants are going into your collection.
Enjoy checking out some of the incredible mini and semimini collections from the LSAVC show!
October 31, 2011
Happy Halloween!
Before I get to posting any more pictures from the show, I wanted to finish showing you the plants that made the head table. They deserve special attention, as they are clearly the best of the best. Also, I have included the complete winners list from the convention. Take a look at this. In addition to listing the winning people and plants, it really shows the level of participation by so many members. It also shows the hard work invested by several people, like Danny Tidwell, Richard and Anne Nicholas, among others, who manage to bring large amounts of exhibits. If you think it's hard to get a few plants to a convention looking well, imagine how hard it is to get a LOT of plants there, all looking perfect. Take it from me, it ain't easy. Setting aside the months and/or years of hard work involved in just raising and tending to the show-plants, then you have the grooming, the prepping, the boxing, the loading, the transporting, the unloading. Then keep going, 'cause they're not even entered yet. Start all over now with the grooming and the prepping and then you can enter. It really is a labor of love to just get plants into a show. Congrats to all the participants and winners. It was a fantastic show because of all of you!
Danny Tidwell | |
Runner-Up to Horticulture Sweepstakes | 19 blue ribbons |
Best in Class 71 | "Bureau of Engraving" |
2nd Best in Show - Design | "Bureau of Engraving" |
Best Interpretive Plant Arrangement | "Bureau of Engraving" |
Best in Class 72 | "Fort Worth Nature Center & Refuge" |
Best in Class 31 | Hector |
Best in Class 67 | Kohleria 'Silver Feather' |
Best Lonestar Helen Mahr Hybrid | Lonestar Helen Mahr |
Best Amateur LSAVC Standard Collection | Lonestar Helen Mahr, Apache Heartbeat, San-Bar |
Best in Class 20 | Ma's Cosmic Wonder |
Award of Merit - Class 15 | Optimara Renoir |
Best in Class 32 | Persian Prince |
Best in Class 37 | Petite Jewel |
Best in Class 28 | Rob's Slap Happy |
3rd Best in Show - Horticulture | Rob's Slap Happy |
Best Semiminiature | Rob's Slap Happy |
Best Standard | Rodeo Country |
Best Texas Hybrid African Violet | Rodeo Country |
President's Award for Best in Show - Horticulture | Rodeo Country |
Best Munk Hybrid | Rodeo Country |
Best Amateur AVSA Standard Collection | Rodeo Country, Apache Diamond, Newton Shared Venture |
Best in Class 58 | Sinningia eumorpha x glaziovina |
2nd Best Gesneriad | Sinningia eumorpha x glaziovina |
Best in Class 57 | Sinningia 'Party Dude' |
Best in Class 16 | The Alps |
Richard Nicholas | |
Best in Class 44 | Alan's Fallen Angel |
Best Trailer | Alan's Fallen Angel |
Best Hancock Hybrid | Buckeye Extravaganza |
Best in Class 21 | Buckeye Extravaganza |
2nd Best in Show - Horticulture | Buckeye Extravaganza |
Best Variegated | Buckeye Extravaganza |
Best in Class 13 | Buffalo Hunt |
Best in Class 60 | Columnea 'Early Bird' |
2nd Best Amateur LSAVC Standard Collection | Lonestar Twilight, Lonestar Daybreak, Wrangler's El Diablo |
Best in Class 19 | Ma's Pillow Talk |
Best in Class 12 | Ness' Bangle Blue |
2nd Best Amateur AVSA Standard Collection | Picasso, Buckeye Especially Mine, Rebel's Rose Bud |
Best in Class 53 | Pink Energy |
Best Vintage African Violet | Pink Energy |
Award of Merit- - Class 44 | Pixie Blue |
Paula Foster Award - Best Pink Standard Variegated African Violet | Rebel's Rose Bud |
Best in Class 14 | Sansoucy' Julie-Marie |
Best in Class 61 | Streptocarpus 'Blueberry Butterfly' |
Best in Class 62 | Streptocarpus 'Bristol's Petticoats' |
Best in Class 68 | Streptocarpus 'Texas Hot Chili' |
Best Texas Hybrid Gesneriad | Streptocarpus 'Texas Hot Chili' |
Best in Class 49 | Wrangler's El Diablo |
Best in Class 42 | Yesterday's Evidence |
Anne Nicholas | |
Horticulture Sweepstakes | 53 blue ribbons |
Best in Class 36 | Honey Blue Ace |
Best Pittman Collection | Jolly Orchid, Jolly Star, Texas Space Dust |
Best in Class 50 | Jolly Redneck |
Best in Class 26 | Morgan's Little Linnie |
Best in Class 33 | Orchard's Bumble Magnet |
Best in Class 38 | Precious Angel |
Best in Class 51 | Precious Red |
Best Amateur LSAVC Semiminiature/Miniature Collection | Red Bandito, Shirl's Senior Moment, Jolly Dreamland |
Best in Class 25 | Rob's Astro Zombie |
Best Amateur AVSA Semiminiature/Miniature Collection | Rob's Boogie Woogie, Rob's Combustible Pigeon |
Award of Merit - Class 31 | Rob's Cool Fruit |
Best in Class 41 | Rob's Jitterbug |
Best in Class 30 | Rob's Scrumptious |
Best in Class 27 | Tomboy Blue |
Ben Haning | |
Best Miniature | Rob's June Bug |
Best New Cultivar | Wavy Blue Bob |
Best Species | S. 5h clone velutina |
Best in Class 35 | Jolly Orchid |
2nd Best Amateur AVSA Semiminiature/Miniature Collection | Jolly Peach, Ness' Satin Rose, Rob's Dodo Bird |
Best in Class 39 | Rob's June Bug |
Best in Class 54 | S. 5h clone velutina |
Best in Class 45 | Wavy Blue Bob |
Mary Corondan | |
2nd Best Amateur LSAVC Semiminiature/Miniature Collection | Cool Blue, Jolly Dreamland, Honey Puff |
2nd Best Pittman Collection | Jolly Kid, Jolly Blue Clouds, Honey Blue Ace |
Best in Class 22 | Jolly Lilac |
Best in Class 23 | Little Pro |
Best in Class 15 | Mariah |
Best in Class 18 | Ma's Jamaican Farewell |
Best in Class 40 | Shirl's Hawaiian Lei |
Dolores Gibbs | |
Best in Class 56 | Amadie Trail |
Best Unusual Container | Amadie Trail |
Best Container Garden | "Trinity Trails" |
Award of Merit - Class 59 | Eucodonia 'Adele' |
Best in Class 79 | "The Conservatory at the Botanic Garden Center" |
Best in Class 80 | "Trinity Trails" |
Ruth Goeke | |
Best Interpretive Flower Arrangement | "TCU" |
Best in Show - Design | "TCU" |
Award of Merit - Class 76 | "Stockyards District" |
Best in Class 78 | "TCU" |
Best in Class 73 | "Texas Motor Speedway" |
Best in Class 75 | "The Fort Worth Water Gardens" |
Penny Smith-Kerker | |
Best in Class 24 | Optimara Little Arapahoe |
Best in Class 29 | Shirl's Happy Tears |
Best Ozark Sinningia | Sinningia 'Ozark Fireworks' |
Jane Rexilius | |
Runner-Up to Design Sweepstakes | 6 blue ribbons |
Best in Class 77 | "Joe T Garcia's" |
Best in Class 76 | "Stockyards District" |
Patty Daniels | |
Best in Class 66 | Petrocosmea nervosa |
Best in Class 63 | Streptocarpus 'Heartland's White Gold' |
Best in Class 81 | "The Japanese Gardens at the Botanic Gardens" |
Beverly Powers | |
Best in Class 64 | Episcia cupreata 'La Soledad Bronze' |
Best in Class 43 | Rob's Vanilla Trail |
Melinda McCullough | |
Best Novice | Shirl's Hawaiian Lei |
Best in Class 48 | Shirl's Hawaiian Lei |
Ken Froboese | |
Commercial Horticulture Sweepstakes | 3 blue ribbons |
Best Commercial LSAVC Semiminiature/Miniature Collection | Precious Red, Petite Ruby, Blanco Baby |
Elmer Godeny | |
Best in Class 65 | Chirita linearifolia |
Best in Class 47 | Sport of 'California Victory' |
Alex Early | |
Best in Class 59 | Achimenes 'Glory' |
Best Gesneriad | Achimenes 'Glory' |
First of Dallas AVS | |
Mary Walbrick Award | Education & AVSA Information |
Jan Davidson | |
Runner-Up to Commercial Horticulture Sweepstakes | 2 blue ribbons |
Ron Davidson | |
Best in Class 17 | Harmony Little Stinker |
Sylvia Leeds | |
Best in Class 55 | Heartland's Heirloom Lace |
Jill Reiss | |
Award of Merit - Class 54 | S. 5b clone grotei Protzen |
Irene Harney | |
Best in Class 82 | "The Fort Worth Zoo" |
Hortense Pittman | |
Best in Class 46 | Jolly Jill |
Glenda Williams | |
Design Sweepstakes | 7 blue ribbons |
Bonnie Harris | |
Best in Class 74 | "The Modern Art Museum" |
October 30, 2011
Hey y'all! I'm home safe and sound from the Lonestar convention. A little more Texan and a whole lot exhausted. Not to mention the Rangers lost while I was there, making everything a little more crazy. Luckily the show and violet friends overshadowed that devastating loss. :)
One thing's for sure, those Texans can party! After several days of violets, food, fun and parties, and a long day of travelling, I only have time for a few pictures tonight. So, I thought in the spirit of Halloween, I would offer my trick-and-treat. I am going to treat you to a few more pictures, including one of Danny Tidwell, the big winner of the day. But I'm also going to trick you into coming back, because they're all long shots or table shots, no close ups. You'll have to check back again to see those. {{Nya nya nya}} See you soon!
October 28, 2011
Hello again from Texas! I know you are dying to see pictures from the show. Unfortunately, most of them will have to wait. The internet service here is awful and I can't get all my pictures in yet. But, here's a few to get you started . . . starting with the best of the best. Congratulations to Danny Tidwell, who cleaned up at the show with his beautiful plants, starting with best in show. Congratulations Danny!
October 27, 2011
Hello from Ft. Worth Texas! Well I'm at the Lonestar convention, and today I helped with placement, which means I got to sneak peeks at the plants being entered at the show. {{snicker snicker}} There's a method to my madness. I can't believe the quality, and quantity of plants here. I have to say, after attending many National conventions, the plants here overall are just as impressive, if not more. If you can't make a National convention, then get to Texas for their Lonestar convention. There are approximately 450 entries, and practically every one is at least a blue ribbon, if not better. I am glad I'm not a judge. They sure have their work cut out for them. I can't wait to show you the plants. But, until then, here's a few members working the show and enjoying the sales rooms.
October 26, 2011
I thought I would finish up the pictures I have from the Fox Valley show tonight. There are some designs, and our friends the other gesneriads. Luckily, for a smaller local club show, we had a little bit of a lot of things, so I feel we were well represented.
The next time I post it will be from Fort Worth, Texas, where I'll be attending the Lonestar African Violet Show and Sale. It ought to be quite a show, and very well attended. I get to see plants grown by Ray and Hortense Pittman, Danny Tidwell, Anne and Richard Nicholas, Bill Price, and David Harris to name just a few. I'm really excited to see my Texas friends. I'm sure the pictures from this show will be fantastic! Don't miss them as they're posted, which I'll be doing throughout the week and weekend.
October 24, 2011
Here are a few more pictures of the show room and some plants from the Fox Valley AVS Show and Sale last weekend in Naperville, Illinois. You might want to add a few of these to your wish list!
Click on thumbnail image below to see larger photo.
October 18, 2011
Howdy! I wanted to show you a few more pictures from the Fox Valley AVS Show and Sale this past weekend. Our faithful members "violeteered" their time and efforts to help set-up, do entries, placement, and all of the jobs involved in putting on a show. Here are some pictures of before, after and during the show. Plant pictures still to come!
October 15, 2011
Hello all! This weekend was spent at the Fox Valley African Violet Show and Sale, in Naperville, Illinois. As with many local violet clubs, these shows tend to be on the smaller side. But, I'm happy to say our members really stepped up. Even though we all seemed to have a very tough summer this year, most people tried to bring something, and we had a nice little show at about 66 entries. Local club shows are still a great way for growers to keep themselves in show mode and force ourselves to spend time with our violets in between state and national conventions. It's also nice to bring a little money in to the club from plant sales.
Our club logo is Miss Violet, a lovely little fox (as we are in the Fox Valley area), who sports a violet necklace. Our club show themes always center around Miss Violet and her adventures. This year the theme was "Ms. Violet goes Scouting," in honor of the Girl Scouts and Boy Scouts 100th anniversary. We have a Girl Scout troop as a member of our club, and we had Girl Scouts manning our information table doing transplanting demonstrations. We love our younger members and it's a great way to initiate interest in the hobby to some younger people. Anyhow, the staging was absolutely phenomenal since our show chairman, Tomi Griesenauer, is a Girl Scout leader and we had tons of authentic props nicely decorating the show. A special thanks to Mike England for her contributions and making the show room look perfect.
Now, for a quick peek at the head table, and more pictures from the show coming in the following days. Congratulations to all of our members. A plant on the table makes you a winner in my book.
Best in Show, 'Cupid's Jewel,' won by Andrea Worrell
Second Best in Show, 'Apache Freedom,' won by Pat Nichols
Best Semiminiature, 'Cupid's Jewel,' won by Andrea Worrell
Best Miniature, 'Honey Blue Ace,' won by Andrea Worrell
Best Standard, 'Apache Freedom,' won by Pat Nichols
Best Trailer, 'Rob's Lilli Pilli,' won by Judi DuPont
Best Other Gesneriad, Aeschynanthus marmoratus
Best AVSA Semiminiature Collection, 'Cupid's Jewel,' 'Rob's Fuddy Duddy,' 'Lyon's June Bug,' won by Andrea Worrell
Click on thumbnail image below to see larger photo.
October 10, 2011
Hello there! Is there anyone still there? I know I said I would try to post more frequently after my last post, but my intentions got waylaid and a busy summer got the best of me. So sorry folks! But, there's nothing like a call from Hortense Pittman, violet guru and just the nicest person on Earth, to rev up the violet engine again. Thanks Hortense, I love you!
So, violet shows are coming up for a few clubs, and I will be attending. First, the Fox Valley African Violet Society, my local Illinois club, is having their annual show this weekend. Here's the information below for anyone wanting to attend. Free admission and repotting demonstrations! If you attend, please look me up. Next time, which will be soon, I will be filling you in on what's been happening with my plants over the summer.
P.S. I will give a special prize to the first (identifiable) person who posts a comment to my blog page. This is just my little way of finding out if there is anyone still checking in from time to time. But post soon, this offer expires Halloween night (2011)!
Fox Valley AVS 2011 Show Flyer
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